Privacy Policy
Updated: January 30, 2021

1.0  Introduction

We care about your privacy online, so here is relevant information regarding privacy on our website, Our goal is to safeguard the privacy of all our visitors and users. Please make sure you understand our practices before you use our site.

2.0 Children’s Use and COPPA Compliance

Our website is intended to be used by children and adults. Anyone under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian be willing to agree to these terms on their behalf and must have a parent give their verifiable consent before any personal information can be collected or any site services used. If you are a child under these definitions, you may not use or provide any information on this Website; use any of its features or register; make any purchases; use any of the interactive; or provide any information about yourself to us until a parent/legal guardian consents.

If we learn that we have received personal information from a child without parental consent, we will delete that information. If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under 13 that was collected without consent, please contact us at

At any time, parents can refuse to permit us to collect further personal information from their children  in association with a particular account and can request that we delta from our records the personal information we have collected in connection with that account. Please keep in mind that a request to delete records may lead to a termination of an account, membership, or access to other services.

We use an online payment process with a debit or credit card that provides notification of each transaction to the account holder to obtain verifiable consent before collecting any children’s personal information.

3.0 Data: Do we collect it, and what do we do with it? (For EU visitors)

3.1 Data Collection Table





Provide goods/services;

Personalize website/email experience;

Protect our company

Collect in order to get consent

We will ask for consent. We ask for this to distinguish between children in a family group and for parents to be able to manage student progress.


Provide goods/services

Send emails about goods/services

We will ask consent for this to provide journal entries.


Collect payment for goods/services

Contracted purchase. Collected by third-party payment processor.


Provide services as part of Internal Filter course to improve student retention of material. Also to improve parent/child communication about technology and this course. All responses are kept confidential and are only shared with the email address attached to the account.

We will ask for consent. Journal entries are only processed internally and sent to the email address connected to the account.

3.2 Who Has Access To The Data We Collect? We process and store data we collect from you, but we may also use third parties to assist us with processing your personal data including the following categories of vendors:

  • Financial transaction processor: Stripe
  • Email communication manager: Ontraport
  • Website management services: Ontraport
  • Website design and programming services
  • Website analytics services: Google Analytics

Any of these third parties who help process or store your data have written agreements with us that prevent them from using, sharing, or storing your personal data for any other purpose than the scope of our contracted terms with them. They do not share any information collected from our Site or Services publicly. If you would like the contact information for any of these providers, please contact us at

3.3 Legitimate Interest: We claim a legitimate interest for processing your personal information when you submit the information with an expectation that it will be processed without any impact on you. If you have questions about your data, what we use it for, or the basis for us collecting it, please contact us at

3.4 How Long Do We Keep Your Data? We keep your personal data for differing periods of time depending on why we gathered it:

  1. Opt-In to workshop courses, email list, sampler courses, videos, downloads: until client opts out
  2.  Transaction: Four years for tax audit purposes.
  3. Submitting Workshop Journaling: until client opts out and we have a reasonable to collect and store such information
  4. Survey data: until client opts out

If a legal claim arises involving your data, we will store and disclose that data to the relevant parties until the matter has been resolved.

3.5 Your Right To Ask For Corrections, Erasure, And Export Of Your Data: You have the right to control your personal data. Specifically, you have the following rights:

  • The right to be informed: We are informing you now with this policy.
  • The right of access: We’ll provide you with the data we have about you.
  • The right to rectification: Request we fix incorrect data about you.
  • The right to erasure: Request we erase certain data about you.
  • The right to restrict processing: Ask us to restrict certain type of processing of your personal information.
  • The right to data portability: Ask us to provide your personal data we have for export.
  • The right to object: Object to how we use your data.
  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling: We don’t profile you, but keep in mind you have this right with other sites.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact with your request.

3.6 Your Right To Withdraw Consent: Although this is mentioned above, we want to emphasize that wherever we’ve asked for your consent to collect or process your personal data, you have the right to withdraw that consent. If you receive email messages from us, you can use the Unsubscribe link in each message to withdraw consent and stop the mailings. Alternatively, you can contact us at with your request to withdraw consent or to receive a copy of the information that we have collected from a child.

3.7 Do We Transfer Your Data To Third Countries? No. We are located in the United States. Your data is collected and held here.

3.8 Privacy Concerns, Contacting Us, Complaints: You can contact with any questions or requests about these policies or your personal data. If, after contacting us, you feel a privacy issue has not be resolved, you have the right to file a complaint with a Supervisory Authority such as the

Data Controller

Representative: David Jones

You can also send correspondence by mail to 12760 S Park Ave, #1585, Riverton, UT 84065.

3.9 Cookies and Similar Technologies:

Like many websites, this site uses cookies and similar technologies to track particular aspects of you and other people who visit us. Cookies are tiny files that are downloaded to your computer to track particular aspects of your activity online to help us learn certain things about our website. This tracking is done to provide us with information on how people move about the site, what is of interest to them and what is not, how our marketing is performing, and incidental items such as what percentage of users access the site from a personal computer versus a mobile phone. You may block most cookies by adjusting your browser settings as well as responding to cookie consent notices. You may respond to cookie notices that may appear when you visit this site.

This site uses the following cookies:

contact_id / contact_identity_id: Used to identify which Ontraport contact record is visiting the page or form.

{account_id} :form_{form_id}: used for tracking forms existing on a domain

{id} -dup-trans: Used to prevent contacts from getting double charged inadvertently on order form fillouts if they accidentally submit the form twice.

{id}-processor-timeout: Used to control the number of seconds allowed between form submissions of the same form.

mrupc: Used in the transition from regular form to upsell form to keep track of which credit card the charge on the upsell should be committed to.

lpsplt_{landingpage_id}: Used to track which version of a split tested landing page has been shown to the contact to ensure continuity.

secure_redirect: Used to indicate that we have already redirected to the secure version of a landing page, to make sure the contact does not get stuck in an endless loop. aff_{affiliate_id}: Used to track the referring affiliate.

oprid: Used to track the referring promotion.

fb_{hash}: For facebook applications, used to indicate that we have already redirected to avoid endless loops.

sess_: Used to track a session which is then tied back to a contact identifier so that page visits, link clicks and similar can be tied back to the correct contact.

mr_src: Used to store the referring website for tracking purposes. utm terms

referral_page: Used to store the referring page for tracking purposes. formfillout_{form_id}: Tracks whether or not a particular form has already been filled out in this browser lpfillout_{landingpage_id}_{split_number}: Tracks whether or not a particular landing page form / split version has already been filled out in this browser

visited_unsub: Whether the client has tried to visit the unsubscribe page

cir_redirect: Used to avoid redirect loops

OPWSESS_: For membership pages, to indicate an active session

4.0 For California Folks

4.1  Do Not Track Signals:Pursuant to the California Online Privacy Protection Act, we hereby disclose that we do not currently honor Do Not Track signals issued by browsers or other third-party sources.

4.2 California Eraser LawIf you are an individual under 18 and have provided personal information or content to us in some manner, you have the right to request the deletion of that information pursuant to the “California Eraser Law.”  Contact us to make such a request at

5.0 For Our Valued Friends Regardless of Location

5.1  Privacy Policy Modifications and Updates:We may update and modify this Privacy Policy at any time. We will post a notice on the site 30 days before the change goes into effect and forward an email message to you should we have an email address for you. You may or may not notice the changes.

5.2  Legal Disclosures of Personal Information:We may process, store, and disclose personal information if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to 1) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on us; 2) protect and defend our rights or property; or 3) act under exigent circumstances to protect the safety of the public or users of the site.

5.3  DMCA Disclosures:We comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. As part of the compliance process, we may be required to disclose whatever information we have for you to a copyright holder who has submitted a complaint to us.

5.5 Third Party Websites:We link to other sites, but please keep in mind that we do not control the privacy policies of those sites. Make sure to review the policies of these sites before providing your personal information.

5.6 Sale of Business:

Should we sell a portion or all of this site or our business, your personal information will be an asset transferred to the new owner.

5.8 Affiliates: We may share your personal information with affiliates who promote our products or services for a commission fee. We require our affiliates to honor this Privacy Policy. They are not allowed to spam you and must disclose they are an affiliate for us. If they do not do so, they are in violation of their affiliate terms and this Privacy Policy, and any violation of this nature should be reported to

 6.0. Miscellaneous Legal

6.1 Severability: If any part of this Privacy Policy is deemed unlawful and/or unenforceable, all other provisions contained herein will remain in full force and effect.

 6.2 Entire Agreement: The information contained herein constitutes the entire agreement between site users and our company relating to the use of this website.

 6.3 Law and Jurisdiction: This Privacy Policy is governed by and construed in accordance with United States law. Any dispute arising out of or related to the information contained herein is subject to adjudication in the state of Utah, USA.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

© 2019 Internal Filter, LLC